Fragility of Vision, 2024
Mixed media, granite, plastic
A statue for no1, 1, 2024, steel, clay, plastic, mirror pieces, 90 cm, Ø 30 cm
A statue for no1, 2, 2024, steel, stainless steel, plastic, mirror pieces
A statue for no1, 3, 2024, Card boxes, tins, mirror and mirror pieces
A statue for no1, 4, 2024, Petrol boxes, 90 cm, Ø 25 cm
The Bond of Silence, 2024 scissors and metal padlock, Unique
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, 2024, wood, synthetic, wool, plastic, 110 cm x 83 cm, Unique
Whispers in the Tangle of Time, 2024
Oil paint, leather, fake nails, safety pins, mixed media on linen, 20 cm x 60 cm, Unique
Andy Hermann in der Kunsthaus Vitrine 26/7 der Galerie Ziegler: A statue for no1, 2024, steel, clay, plastic, mirror pieces, 90 cm, Ø 30 cm, Unique, Rämistrasse 41-43, 8001; next to it / on the right: Sol LeWitt (Four Colors Round), 1984
Anthropogenically disturbed growth area, 2024, Unique
Imprisoned identity, 2024; installation view and closeups; Exhibition "KAFALA" Material, 06/ 2024
Steel, plastic, wool, synthetics, felt, approx. 230 cm x 100 cm x 150 cm, Unique
A lesson in innocence, 2024, plastic, artificial flowers, 30 cm x 20 cm, Ø 15, Unique
LUCOZADE, 2023, Oil on linen, 50 cm x 40 cm, Unique
Die Last der Hoffnung, 2024, glass, wood, plastic, soil, artificial flowers, 75 cm x 30 cm, Unique
Lid of Silence, 2024, Video loop presented in framed and taped mobile phone, Unique
Entangled in Invisibility, 2023-2024, Video loop presented in framed and taped mobile phone, Unique
Exhibition overview Galerie Ziegler display (Kunsthaus Vitrine 26/7)
On artistic freedom in the national era, 2024, Mixed Media, Unique
Look at you, looking at me, 2024, steel, artificial hair, 38 cm x 30 cm, Unique
I love you do you love me, 2024, Mixed Media, Unique
Don't want to be another boring banker, 2024, leather, stainless steel, 55 cm x 9 cm, Unique
Anthology of fear, 2023; real cactus plant, silk, clay, 40 cm, Ø 20 cm,
Junk bond trader trying to sell a sucker a style, Steel grill, silk tie, 2023
100 cm x 8 cm, Unique
ODE TO THE AUTHORITIES IN CHARGE OF FANTASY, 2023, plastic, stainless steel, 110 cm x 75 cm, Unique
Ballad of my aunt calling to wish me a happy birthday or vice versa, 2023, mixed media, 135 cm x 80 cm, Unique
Struggles with Meaningless Things, 2023, stainless steel, metal, leather, artificial plant, 40 cm x 36 cm x 10 cm, Unique
Three hopes for Gaza, 2024, stainless steel chains, synthetic flowers,
Installation 29.02, Müllerstrasse 34, 8004 Zürich
Installation view of the solo exhibition "Boundless Expressions" 01-02.2024
Installation view of the solo exhibition "Boundless Expressions" 01-02.2024
Untitled, 2023, wool, duck feathers, stone,
90 cm x 70 cm, Unique
Installation view of the solo exhibition "Boundless Expressions" 01-02.2024
MEDITATION ON A GRAPEFRUIT, 2023, Oil and Spray on linen, 50 x 40 cm, Unique
Untitled, 2023, plastic bags and mixed media, Unique
ALEXANDRA, 2023, Mixed Media, Oil Paint, Spray, Textile on linen, 80 cm x 60 cm, Unique
CONVERSATIONS FOR A LIFETIME IN TWENTY MINUTES AND UNDER Oil and mirror pieces on linen, 40 cm x 50 cm Unique
Untitled, 2023, Oil paint, soil, screws, plastic foils on linen, 100 cm x 50 cm, Unique
We crossed the border. We tore flowers in someone else’s fields . . .Oil Paint on linen
70 cm x 50 cm, Unique
Untitled, 2018-2023, Mixed media on linen, 30 cm x 20 cm Unique
Perfect Center, 2023 Vinyl letters on vinyl 135 x 65 cm, Unique